How Wireless Retailers Can Push More Customers to Their Facebook Pages

You’ve created good content, you’ve put forward online promotions, and you’ve boosted your location pages. Great work! But there is one component of social media that is still missing. Getting your store reps and employees involved and getting them to push your pages to the customers that are shopping your store is the most overlooked idea of growing retail business social media pages.

Here are 3 ways to draw in-store customers to follow your business on social media:

1. Educate your employees about your social media strategies

Retail employees are the people closest to your customers. They are constantly interacting with them, helping them, and selling them on your business. After they have built that trust with customers they will have the ability to persuade them to follow your business on social media. That is why it’s so important to involve your employees in this process and educate them as to why it’s important. This will push them to ask your customers to follow and also have the ability to lead them to your stores page.

2. Incentivize your employees to push customers to follow your business page

After educating your employees it’s important to incentivize them. Running a friendly albeit competitive contest to get individuals and stores more involved in the process is a very effective way to do this. You can wage this between individuals or between stores and calculate how many likes and reviews they can draw over the course of a time period awarding the winning individual or store with a prize worth going the extra mile for.

3. Give your customers an incentive to follow your pages

Giving your employees a reason to push your customers to like the page is a great place to start but giving your customers a reason to like your pages is the perfect union. Creating good and consistent content for your pages is important but giving exclusive promotions to your faithful social media followers is something that will keep them coming back to your page and become a more engaged follower. That is why it’s important to give your employees some ammunition while trying to persuade your customers to give their store a follow with an exclusive promotion that could save them money on their purchase.

Getting your current customers to follow your business page is hugely important. Because your current customers are the ones who already know and trust you. By having them on social media you can listen to their needs, give back with promotions, and interact with them on a deeper level creating brand loyalty. Retail employees are the number one way to get your customers to follow your pages and should be rewarded for their efforts. It’s the perfect way to engage with customers while incentivizing and exciting employees. It’s a win win overall and can save you a great deal of money in advertising on social in order to grow your pages. 

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